Member-only story
Happy Birthday To My Soul!
Do you know when it’s your soul’s birthday?

According to Human Design, January 2nd is my soul’s birthday! Someone recommended that I name my soul for a better connection after I became aware that I am a student at a school called Earth and started meditating. Sasha was always a name that rang an inner bell for me because when my oldest niece was 3 years old, she called me Sasha while in her mind she was saying Susana, so for years I was Aunt Sasha. And at that age, they know a thing or two that we have already forgotten.
This small detail about my niece led me to a realization about myself just recently. When talking with a ventilator, I have to wait for exhalation for the air to pass on the vocal cords for sound to be heard (isn’t it convenient that my strategy is “wait to respond”?), a thing every human being does naturally, and in my mind, I had trouble figuring out why people did not understand me talking. Until a few days ago, I made a video and saw it after (as a Time Bender, you can’t expect me to see videos before hitting send, so you can also ignore if ideas in this text are a bit wonky and words are missing; that’s how I’m wired to function), and I couldn’t even understand myself, and it all made sense - even why my local TV interview was subtitled, and with a wrong word, I might add - I am sorry, but when I talk, I can hear myself…