Member-only story
Full Moon Magic!
Last month’s Full Moon night…

Women are so in tune with the moon, and some have no idea. Their cycles are just like ours—13 cycles a year.
In the last Full Moon, I was feeling courageous, so I sent a message to my TF saying how much he was being missed. We hadn’t exchanged any messages since the beginning of the month
I have a ritual on every full moon night. I love to go outside before going to bed and take a moonlight shower, as I like to call it. The last full moon was no different.
I got outside, and the moon was covered by a black cloud. I only saw its reflection like a sticker behind the moon.
I remembered what Kelly Kolodney had told us in a call about controlling the natural elements, and so I asked the cloud to step away because I wanted to see the moon.

And so it happened!
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